Half of all menhad prostatitis or are ill. Mostly found in the stronger sex over forty-five.
There are acute infectious, chronic infectious, chronic non-bacterial, chronic asymptomatic prostatitis.
The main symptomsthat a man has prostatitisare difficulty urinating and pain in the ureter.
They arise from the fact that an enlarged gland compresses the ureteral canal.
Medicines and medicines for prostatitis in men
How to treat prostatitis in men? Medicines that have received a lot of positive feedback from both patients and doctors are presented below.
Antibiotic properties:
- Indication: Presence of an infection, bacterial, viral or fungal.
- Contraindications: Resistance to this type of antibiotic, alcohol consumption.
Six groups of antibioticsare used to defeat prostatitis, which we will discuss below.
Theseprostatitis remedies are the oldest and best studied. Doctors are happy to prescribe them for prostatitis: you can't go wrong here.
Buttheir effectiveness is less than that of modern drugsagainst prostatitis in men.
Antibiotics sometimes cause allergies. If there are any, treatment with antihistamines is prescribed. Long-term use (more than two weeks) of antibiotics destroys the liver. In contrast, treatment with hepatoprotectors is prescribed. The tablets are taken with meals. Antibiotics destroy the lining of the stomach. A snack will protect you from ulcers.
This type of prostatitis drugis used when no specific pathogen has been identified.
The advantages of these drugs for the treatment of prostatitis are: Low toxicity, they accumulate in the tissue of the prostate and continue to work for a long time.
Even aglass of wine neutralizes the antibiotics. For the duration of your treatment, join a Society for Temperance.
This type of medicine for prostatitis, , is used against staphylococci, anaerobic infections of the prostate, streptococci, Proteus and Haemophilus influenzae.
Which drugs should be taken against prostatitis if chlamydia and mycoplasma are present?
Undoubtedly tetracyclines, because it is the drugs from this group that help to cope with diseases.
Penetrates perfectly into the prostate tissue and accumulates. No drugs of choice. Good against mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydia, gram + and gram bacteria.
When choosing a drugfor prostatitis in menit should be understood that there are a large number of them that destroy all harmful microorganisms. Antibiotics with a broad spectrum act on all pathogens, butis much more effective than drugs that were sharpened by the creators for certain microorganisms. Specialized antibiotics are excellent at fighting certain types of microbes.
If the patient is not completely cured, he has been treated incorrectly, the disease becomes chronic. It's much harder to cure. The patient will feel the first results in a few weeks. The courses are repeated several times, sometimes at times. Recovery takes up to six months or more, especially if the diet is not followed.
indiscriminate,arbitrary drugs for prostatitis only harm the healing process. Microbes adapt to new brands faster than pharmaceutical companies can change.
What you read about a potent drug in a manual twenty years ago is probably hopelessly out of date today. Individual addiction also occurs in a specific patient's body if they have previously used this antibiotic.
Therefore,doctorsare in no hurry to prescribe an antibiotic.first analyzes the prostate juice to identify the pathogen. After that,is analyzed to determine the responseof this pathogen specifically in the patient's body to a range of antibiotics that are best suited to its destruction.
General guidelines for the use of antibiotics. Antibiotics not only destroy harmful microorganisms, but also the native microflora. After ingestion, it is recommended to prescribe probiotics to restore them.

Acute infectious prostatitis is treated with special antibiotics in three to five weeksand treated in good time. The effect of the drug can already be felt in the first few days.
If the medication regimen is followed, the patient will make a full recovery. At the end of the course the tests will be repeated.
Repeat the course if pathogens have been identified.
It is FORBIDDEN to reduce or stop taking the dose without authorizationeven if you think you have recovered and no further treatment is required. If you do, the undying enemy will return!
Do not try to prescribe antibiotic treatment for your prostate. Only a doctor will determine the individual treatment regimen.
Strong antibiotics not only kill prostate bacteria, but also sperm. If you plan to use your cattle for conception, get used to the idea that it will not be possible to do so until at least six months after you stop taking antibiotics.
Now that you know more about the treatment of prostatitis in men that can be used for inflammation, let's talk about other means of recovery.
Other drugs
What drugs for prostatitis in men? Below is a list of the most effective drugs used to treat prostatitis in men:
Non-steroidsare used for acute pain relief. These drugs are used in the form of injections, suppositories, and tablets.
Steroids do not affect digestion. It is recommended not to take them more than three days in a row and then a week off.
Antispasmodicsare used when the pain is caused by muscle cramps.
With suppositories the effectiveness of the therapy is increased by the better delivery of medication to the gland compared to oral administration. Suppositories Suppositoriescontain coconut oilas the main ingredient to speed up the passage of drugs through the intestinal wall.
Depending on the composition of the active ingredient, they are divided into:
- Antibacterial.
- Vitamin.
- antispasmodic.
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Antiseptic.
- Magnetic with barium ferrite.
Now that you know what drugs are used to treat prostatitis in men, it's time to talk about prostate surgery in men.
Read from:
- Prostatitis, its infectious complications.
- Individual intolerance to the composition.
- Liver and kidney failure.
- epilepsy.
- Haematopoietic disorders.
- Diseases of the internal organs.
- Age.
enemas and microclysters
What helps with prostatitis at home? Warming enemas with broths of sage, string and chamomile.
enemas are indicated when the patient needs to avoid the harmful effects of drugson the gastrointestinal tract, liver and rapid action
Contraindicated for pain in the abdomen, perineum, groin.
What drugs to treat prostatitis? Ointments and creams:
- ointmentactivates enzyme reactions, normalizes metabolic processes in the gland. Sometimes it causes a strong reaction, you shouldn't use it yourself.
- Creamwith camphor oil kills harmful microbes, protects the beneficial microflora, liquefies prostate secretions and stabilizes the urination process. No contraindications noted.
How can one supplement the use of medication?
In addition to drug treatment, prostatitis patients are prescribed:
- Diet.
- prostate massage
- Physiotherapy.
- Kegel gymnastics.
- movement therapy.
- Sport.
- Mud healing.
- therapeutic baths.
- bathroom, sauna.
- Medicinal herbs, other folk remedies.
The transition to a sedentary lifestyle characteristic of the 21st century has led to the spread of prostatitis of various forms and genes.Medicines were and are the most effective treatmentand are prescribed by a urologist.
Other prostate therapies are used as aids. We hope that our article helped you answer the question, "What is the best for prostatitis? "